The High Functional Parts of Stevedores Work

It is an occupation that involves cargo operations i.e. loading and unloading of cargoes on ships. It also includes the other various dockside functions. The people engaged in this occupation are known as stevedores in UK & Europe. The stevedores do need heavy machinery, such as tractors, trailers, cranes and forklifts, etc. The businesses which specialise in loading and unloading vessels are referred to as stevedoring companies.

Stevedores Work In Vizag Port

There are many roles in stevedores work in Vizag Port. Stick with this blog to know more.

Ships make money at sea when it is carrying its cargo between ports, but when it is alongside a port, it is costing money to its owner. Therefore Ports and Terminals need to be efficient to minimise port time and get the ship back on its journey as soon as possible. The role of stevedoring companies which organise the cargo handling in port is very important, in this respect as it can make a great difference to the profitability of the voyage.

Stevedores were once organisers of large-scale dock labour. The thousands of dockers who would move the cargo often manually in and out of the ship’s holds by the “sweat of their brow”. Today’s stevedoring companies and their skilled personnel operate a selection of expensive and sophisticated cargo handling equipment in ports and terminals around the world. Just one of the huge container cranes that span giant ships and their terminals can be worth tens of millions of dollars, while the ground handling equipment, such as the straddle carriers or low loaders can also be expensive.

Stevedores might be thought of as the “interface” between land and sea, both the speed of cargo handling and the efficiency of the voyage depends upon their skills. If the cargo is put into the ship in the wrong order – and it might be subject to double handling before it gets to its final port. The stevedores’ skills are called upon to “pick up the slack” if the ship is slowed – to save fuel – or by bad weather, getting the delivery of the cargo back on schedule again, appropriate steps being taken by the master of the ship.

Stevedoring companies often do much more than handling the cargo – by adding value at their premises.


Now you know almost everything about stevedores work. Now, all you need to do is hire a professional and experienced company that provides proficient stevedore work in Vizag Port. That is all!


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