Why the Marine Crafts are so Important? – Here is Your Answer

Marine crafts are an essential and irreplaceable part of the world we live in. It forms the backbone of the world economy. From food to clothing and from fuel to construction material, almost every goods we use in our life are being shipped by marine crafts throughout the world. Marine crafts are also used to catch fish and extract natural resources from the ocean. Marine crafts can carry a huge amount of goods that no other mode of transportation could carry and cover a long amount of distance with low cost of operation. Marine crafts could make a huge amount of profit with every journey it makes.

Supply And Manning Of Marine Craft In Vizag

Marine transport accounts for more than 80 percent of world trade by volume and over 70 percent of world trade by value. The amount of marine trade doubled from the period between 1990 and 2020. In 2020 the volume of marine trade was estimated to be around 11 billion tons. An estimated value of the shipping industry is said to be more than 1.5 trillion US Dollar and is expected to grow more than 2 trillion US Dollar in the next few years. The global fish production is also estimated to be around 179 million tonnes, out of which a huge amount is from marine waters. The global seafood market is valued at more than 250 billion US Dollar.

However, entering into the marine transport industry is not easy.The ocean is a dangerous place, and any small mistake could be life threatening. One needs good quality of marine crafts that can withstand the unpredictable weather of the ocean. To run the marine craft smoothly is also a challenge. Marine crafts can not run only on fuel, equipments and food supplies only. The marine craft have to be operated by an adequate number of trained and experienced seafarers to run it safely in the ocean. And to arrange all these is hard and time consuming work. You need to contact trustable suppliers to get your marine craft ready for going on a journey. Orissa Stevedores expertise in supply and manning of marine craft In Vizag.


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